The Rwanda Utilities Company (RUC) is a government-owned utility that provides energy, water, and sewage systems to the citizens of Rwanda. Founded in 2014, this business operates as a branch of the Rwanda Energy Group (REG). Its stated goal is to ensure that all citizens of Rwanda have access to sustainable, high-quality utility services at a price they can afford. The services provided by Rwanda Utilities Company (RUC) are accessible via a wide variety of mediums, including dedicated websites, mobile apps, call centers, and RUC employees in the field. Consumers can utilize these avenues to make payments, report problems, ask for new connections, and get help. In addition to working with local agents and banks, RUC makes it easy to pay for its services.

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Setting overall energy sector policy and strategy and coordinating advances in the electrical sub-sector falls primarily within the purview of the Ministry of Infrastructure (MININFRA). The Rwandan Electricity Market is managed by the state-owned and vertically integrated national utility, with participation from a small number of independent power producers. The management of Rwanda’s national utility is carried out by Rwanda Energy Group (REG) Ltd, which has two subsidiaries: Energy Utility Corporation Limited (EUCL), responsible for generating and distributing electricity across the country and overseeing the operation of the grid. Energy Development Corporation Limited (EDCL), is responsible for the development and implementation of energy policy entrusted with the responsibility of developing and planning energy infrastructure.
Independent power plants
IPPs provide wholesale electricity to EUCL, which sells it to clients on the national grid and engages in international electricity trade. Mini-grids and independent power plants (IPPs) run by private companies are also documented alongside the more extensive grid infrastructure.
By 2024, the Energy Sector Strategy Plan for 2018–19–2023–24 hopes to have all homes wired for power (52% via the grid and 48% via off-grid systems). The national electrification plan allows regions to be electrified with either off-grid solutions or grid extension in an effort to lower the overall cost of providing power. The provision of water supply and sanitation services is managed by the Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC). Rwanda imports all of the gas it consumes because it does not have an indigenous gas sector.
Both the Rusizi I and II hydroelectric power plants and electricity imports from Uganda contribute to the overall electrical supply. Most electricity used in off-grid settings comes from solar photovoltaic and mini/pico hydropower installations.
Rwanda’s electricity market is based on the Law N°21/2011 of 23/06/2011 controlling Electricity in Rwanda (Electricity Law) and the Law N°52/2018 of 13/08/2018 Amending Law No21/2011 OF 23/06/2011 Governing Electricity as Changed to Date. All production, transmission, distribution, or trade of electric power inside or outside Rwanda’s national territory is regulated by RURA and requires a license.
The function of Rwanda Utilities Company
RUC’s Electricity and Renewable Energy Unit, Economic Regulation Unit, Legal Services Unit, and Consumer Affairs Unit handle the technical, economic, and legal facets of regulating the energy sub-sector, respectively.
Tasks carried out as part of the regulation of the power sector include the following:
- Developing regulatory tools governing electricity activities.
- Licensing or registering electricity projects.
- Setting tariffs for electricity end-users
- Reviewing the power purchase agreement.
- Monitoring compliance with license terms and conditions.
- Granting permits to professionals engaged in electrical installations.
- Responding to customer complaints and mediating disputes between operators.
- Keeping an eye on the technical compliance of ongoing electricity operations
RUC has worked with numerous partners in the past, including the World Bank, the African Development Bank, the European Investment Bank, and the German development agency GIZ.
Achievements of RUC
Since its founding in 2014, Rwanda Utilities Company (RUC) has accomplished a great deal. Some examples of these successes are:
Increased access to electricity
Access to power has been greatly improved in Rwanda thanks to RUC’s efforts since the company’s founding. The World Bank reports that the percentage of Rwandans with access to electricity has risen from 18% in 2009 to 51% in 2019.
Improved water and sanitation services
Significant expenditures have been made by RUC to enhance Rwanda’s water and sanitation systems. In Rwanda, the percentage of the population having access to clean water has risen from 68% in 2010 to 84% in 2017. While the percentage with access to clean toilets has risen from 38% in 2010 to 52% in 2017. These figures come from the United Nations.
Increased renewable energy generation
In order to meet Rwanda’s rising energy demand and lower the country’s carbon footprint, RUC has prioritized the development of renewable energy sources like hydropower and solar energy. Rwanda’s solar power capacity increased from 2 MW in 2015 to 56 MW in 2021, and RUC plans to grow it to 400 MW by 2024.
Improved customer service
RUC has taken several steps to better serve its customers and increase the efficiency of its operations. The organization, for instance, has implemented mobile payment platforms to facilitate bill payment and a customer care center to address client concerns and questions. RUC has made great gains toward its overall goal of expanding the availability of basic services and fostering sustainable growth in Rwanda.