The “Junta comercial do estado do Amazonas” – JUCEA is a Brazilian corporation headquartered in Manaus. The company is currently engaged in the sector of executive, legislative, and other general government support. On January 4, 1974, it became a legal entity. The company’s total assets increased by 36.7 percent.
JUCEA relief efforts in the Amazonas state seek to reduce bureaucracy and simplify the registration and licensing process for new businesses.
Agendas of JUCEA
Productivity and Competitiveness Special Department (SEPEC)
SEPEC is responsible for the integrated management of policies that make it possible to increase productivity through free enterprise, the competitive market, human capital, and the modernization of Brazilian companies.
Foreign trade and international affairs special department
SECINT, the Special Secretariat for External Trade and Global Affairs, is in charge of the Ministry of Economy’s international activities in foreign trade and capital flows, global financial institutions and organizations, and external development funding.
SECINT management program
The main goals of the SECINT management program are to boost productivity and delivery quality, cut costs, improve the quality of life for public employees, and recruit and retain fresh talent. A computerized system is being utilized to implement the SECINT management program, which provides for registration and monitoring of the program, as required by in no. 65/2020. Participants are chosen based on compatibility between the activities and their technical skills.
Law no. 9019, enacted on March 30, 1995, establishes the implementation of the antidumping agreement and the contract on subsidies and countervailing rights, as well as other provisions.
Law No. 9,279, enacted on May 14, 1996, governs industrial asset duties and liabilities.
The import tax for the products was reduced under Law No. 9,449 on March 15, 1997, and other arrangements were made.
The March 14, 1999 law, No. 9,440, offers tax incentives for regional development and includes additional measures.
The microenterprises and small companies statute, established by law no. 9,841 of May 5, 1999, provides for the diversified, condensed, and preferred legal treatment under articles 170 and 179 of the federal constitution.
The March 24, 2005 law, No. 11,105, specifies safety criteria and inspection methods for activities using genetically modified organisms.
Regulations for the scientific use of animals are established by Law No. 11,794 of October 8, 2008.
Decrees of JUCEA
The laws governing organizational processes relating to the implementation of compensatory actions are regulated by DECREE No. 1,751 of December 19, 1995.
The CAMEX foreign trade chamber of the governing council was established by decree no. 4,732, dated June 10, 2003.
Decree No. 5,183, enacted on August 13, 2004, governs the decrease of the income tax rate on remittances to other countries.
Decree no. 6041 of February 8, 2007, establishes the biotechnology development policy, shows the national biotechnology committee, and makes other actions.
Decree no. 6,209 of September 18, 2007, authorizes the regimental form and presentation chart of roles in commission and rewarded features of the ministry of development, industrial and foreign trade, as well as other provisions
Decree no. 6,899, dated 15 July 2009. The national council for the control of animal experimentation’s composition is specified.
The interministerial intellectual property group was established by decree no. 9,931 on July 23, 2019.
Get in touch with JUCEA
Following are the authorities that play a big role in serving the businesses in Amazona through the JUCEA service platform. If you want to avail any commercial service or need further information, call their official number.
Maria De Jesus Lins Guimarães
E-mail: Telephone: (92) 3212-4176
Jacqueline Alfaia De Oliveira
E-mail: Telephone: (92) 3212-4182
General secretary
Lycia Fabíola Santos De Andrade
E-mail: Telephone: (92) 3212-4195
Chief Prosecutors
Rosana Alves Da CruzE-mail: Telephone: (92) 3212-4158