My Business Organization

Your favorite business associate

Organizations revolving around commercial activity

The division is one of the many under the office of the secretary of state. The present Secretary of State is Jena Griswold who heads the Colorado department of state. Activities carried out by the division include filing of documents for specific business corporations or names, filing of trade names for legal firms, registration of trademarks, and filing of financial statements and notices of security interests in agricultural products under the UCC, et cetera.

Interested in learning about how to conduct business here, this article provides detailed information about the business organization’s division, its functions, and contact information. 

Functions of the division

The business organizations division was set up to handle all business activities carried out by citizens and business corporations within the state. The following are business services provided by the office:

  • Search and file
  • Support services
  • E-learning
  • Apostilles and authentications
  • Help and resources

Services provided

The services provided by the division include:


This service includes features such as searching business databases, name availability search, filing a business document, periodic report filing, trade name renewal, forms list, and personal identifying information removed, amongst others. 

Filing business documents

Individuals can file forms online to create new records in the database. Such as a new company, trade name, trademark, or LLC. They can refile an expired trade name, or file new foreign firms. 

Filing for an existing record

Business owners can find their records in the database to file a document. This could be a periodic report or renewal of a trading name.

Support services

  • Certificates
  • Notification emails
  • Copies and apostilles
  • Verify certificate of good standing 
  • Data requests, etc. 

Certified copies of business documents

Access to this on the website is free to users. It is best to print a colored copy if it is for official use. Steps to follow when one wants to get a certified copy of business records:

  1. Search the business database by entity name, entity ID, or transaction ID.
  2. After locating the entity record, click on “get certified copies of documents” on the summary page. 


  • Start up a business
  • Next for my new business
  • Secure business filing
  • Learn about business data, et cetera. 

Setting up a business 

Setting up a business has been made simple in the state by the office of the Secretary of State with its online filing for almost all documents. The module was designed to get novel users to pass the beginning stage. If one needs more guidance or advice, they are advised to contact a legal or tax expert. The module curtails lessons such as:

  1.  Registration of a new business
  2. Securing a business record
  3. Searching for resources to take the next steps, etc. 

Apostilles & authentications

  • Business apostilles
  • Apostilles and authentications request form 
  • Formulario de solicitud de apostillas y autenticaciones 
  • Business apostilles
  • Verification of apostilles or Authentications

Apostilles for business records

Certified copies of business documents must satisfy certification requirements for counties other than the state. To request an apostille, an individual has to first confirm that the foreign country doesn’t require a certified copy. After which, an apostille for certified copies of business records shall be made. This, however, concerns documents going to counties that belong to the Hague Apostille convention only. Otherwise, one can send the documents to the U.S. Department of State instead. 

Help and resources

  • Alerts and cautions
  • Online payment information
  • Access your prepaid account, et cetera. 

Contact information

Mailing address: Colorado Secretary of State. 1700 Broadway, Suite 550, Denver CO 80290.

Phone: 303-894-2200

Mailing address: Business Organizations Division. 1700 Broadway, Suite 550, Denver CO 80290. 

Phone: 303-894-2200

Fax: 303-869-4864 



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