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West Virginia Secretary of State Business Division

West Virginia's secretary of state is elected for a four-year term without term limits. The secretary of state is the

Central Balance Sheet Office of Belgium

The Central Balance Sheet Office gathers and disseminates the annual accounts of practically all legal entities in Belgium as part

State of Wisconsin Department of Revenue

The state of Wisconsin Department of Revenue is responsible for offering services to businesses. Their online services are for both

Federal Department of the Economy

The Federal Public Service of Belgium is the Federal Department of the Economy, also referred to as the FPS Economy.

Wyoming business division

The state of Wyoming established the Wyoming business council in 1998 to concentrate on establishing a strong foundation for employment

The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus

The Republic of Belarus' Ministry of Justice is a governmental body tasked with overseeing and implementing the country's legal system,

Commercial Registry of Amazonas

The “Junta comercial do estado do Amazonas” – JUCEA is a Brazilian corporation headquartered in Manaus. The company is currently

Ministry of Finance in Brazil

The Ministry of Economy was created, integrating the Ministries of Finance, Planning, Development and Management, Industry, Foreign Trade and Services,

Belize’s Company and Corporate Affairs Registration

Belize Companies & Corporate Affairs Registry (BCCAR) is the Government of Belize Local Business Registry. All firms or individuals conducting

Central Bank of Bahrain

The Central Bank of Bahrain (CBB) which was created on the 6th of September, 2006 is a public corporate entity

Office of The Registrar of Indigenous Corporations in Australia

The Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations (ORIC) aids the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations in administering the Corporations (Aboriginal

Central Bank of Armenia

The CBA is an autonomous agency charged with the responsibility of issuing all banknotes and coins in the country, supervising

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Worship Directory of Importers/Exporters in Argentina

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade, and Worship (Spanish Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Internacional y Culto; MRECIC), informally

Commercial Registry in Bahia

The board of trade of the state of Bahia (JUCEB) is the agency in charge of registering business activity in

Department of Business Registration and Integration (DREI) in Brazil

The Department of Business Registration and Integration creates the rules and regulations for the registration of companies in Brazil. The