The registry is responsible for the creation or editing of an establishment (individual business) or company in the Republic of Benin.
Business Registration Procedures
The business registration in Benin is quite easy as the whole process can be carried out online, for both sole proprietorship and companies
For companies, start by depositing the amount of the company’s share capital in the bank
- Register on
- Verify that your business name is available.
- Fill in the form;
- Scan and upload the requested documents;
- Make a payment (Mobile Money, Visa card, or at the cash desk)
Your electronic certificates will come in by email in a maximum of 2 hours. The documents required for registration include:
- a copy of the applicant’s (each partner-company) birth certificate;
- a copy of the applicant’s (each partner-company) identity card or passport;
- an extract from the applicant’s (each partner-company) Criminal Record dated less than three (03) months or a Declaration of Honor (Form Available on );
- a recent passport photograph of the applicant (each partner company), color with a white background
- a copy of the residence permit (for foreign applicants)
The registration fee for Individual businesses costs 10,000F while that for Companies is 17,000F
The business registry can be accessed through